Original Post
+Is there a way to make ur tori invinsble while in single layer
is there a way to make ur tori invincible while in single player just facin uke
/opt tori 0
This will make tori invsible, but he will still be there
You can do the same for uke
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
WAIT!!! i didnt mean invisible i meant like unstopable!!! lol

one more Q... its saying i cant do this in single player what do i do

Last edited by Zinx; Jul 27, 2010 at 07:38 PM. Reason: Double posting
Originally Posted by MDWhiteout View Post
WAIT!!! i didnt mean invisible i meant like unstopable!!! lol

Well, as uke doesn't fight back you are pretty much unstoppable.
If you get hurt in any way you can just edit the replay so you don't.

If you really want to beat uke easily try using a mod like chucknorris.tbm.

Originally Posted by MDWhiteout View Post
one more Q... its saying i cant do this in single player what do i do

What's it saying you can't do?
no i meant like in instagib when u touch uke in the instagib area u fall apart... is there any way to not fall apartwhile playn uke ??