I can give you some tips to run. Also i can teach you one run (it's kinda noob). ;)

PS: NO! It's not the youtube run! Just a small variation.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Thank's for the help HaYZ, I should be posting up a few spar replays here pretty soon.

Gonna need some C&C -looks to itachi-
Originally Posted by Glowing View Post
Tachi and brains know eachother well

its true.... they love eachother, you should see them ingame ;)

Originally Posted by Glowing View Post

im currently in a clan atm.... but nice try (=
i would consider it later if [FsT] doesn't work out, but im in love with there leader and his girlfriends, so i doubt i would
im actually doing better than i was before, as most people know, i just got married so life is really good....

how about you? and hows the clan coming along?

Edit: 400th post
Erm. Don't mean to be rude here but you guys should talk about that stuff through pm :<
Not our dsc.

Also: Yea I know now that itachi and brains know each other I was just curious because of the HRNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
Originally Posted by Clow View Post
Erm. Don't mean to be rude here but you guys should talk about that stuff through pm :<
Not our dsc.

he started it :<

Originally Posted by Clow View Post
Also: Yea I know now that itachi and brains know each other I was just curious because of the HRNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

dont you worry... its tough love, but they like it that way...

PS: i sometimes join in because i also like tough love from Itachi ♥
Originally Posted by picket123 View Post
he started it :<

dont you worry... its tough love, but they like it that way...

PS: i sometimes join in because i also like tough love from Itachi ♥

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up