I really hate to see this die.
I went inactive in this school because i got too busy to really pay attention, but now it's dying :<
If there's anything i can do to help bring it back, i'd be more then happy. After all, this is the birth place of Malus.

Also, i am no longer White_Tiger, i'm Doxxy now.
Aka jusmi.
Ye I've been checking up every now and then hoping that the new coursework will be ready.
Hopefully this will not die. If Monobi isn't doing the coursework at the moment we could try contact Ezeth, Voxus or members of TTM to help us out until Monobi gets back.
If it's about organizing, I'm here, if it's about textures... err, better not.

Don't let this die.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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