No from me.

Sorry I know that belt doesnt even matter etc

but I really always liked that my clan be a +10th dan clan

But thats what I want and Its gonna be truth.

Also,How did u get that u have those guys votes?
Do u have our secret forum's pass?
Last edited by Neon10TT; Mar 7, 2010 at 05:09 PM.
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
@Neon10TT: I talked and played with them ingame, and thats how I got their votes in the first place.
Last edited by spllahgah; Mar 7, 2010 at 07:08 PM.
At first,State you road rules and you accept all of them I agree?What are the rules?
State what mods you can play.judo,Aikido,TK, parkour mods(somewhat),
State whats your belt black, but I am very good.
State rank 2326
State your reason for wanting to join JR: because it has some really epic people in it
State if you had any other clans.[Knotz] [Pulp](unofficial)
State why you left the clan:knotz just wasn't right for me.way too many co-ldrs.[Pulp],they still haven't taken me off the roster but,I left because it wasnt going to become official any time soon.
State time zone:U.s central i think.Right now its almost 12:00.
State my age:10.I have a strange feeling because of my age I won't be let in.
Forum activity:I am usually online in the forums unless i am somewhere else.
IN game 50% of the time i'm in game 50% i'm not.
Vouchers none
Any special skills Texture making
And finally state anything special thing you think we have to know.
I am very friendly,I am not a sore loser,And I love African pygmy hedgehogs!

I know I'm a low belt but I could be tested online!
Originally Posted by qwerty381 View Post
At first,State you road rules and you accept all of them I agree?What are the rules?
State what mods you can play.judo,Aikido,TK, parkour mods(somewhat),
State whats your belt black, but I am very good.
State rank 2326
State your reason for wanting to join JR: because it has some really epic people in it
State if you had any other clans.[Knotz] [Pulp](unofficial)
State why you left the clan:knotz just wasn't right for me.way too many co-ldrs.[Pulp],they still haven't taken me off the roster but,I left because it wasnt going to become official any time soon.
State time zone:U.s central i think.Right now its almost 12:00.
State my age:10.I have a strange feeling because of my age I won't be let in.
Forum activity:I am usually online in the forums unless i am somewhere else.
IN game 50% of the time i'm in game 50% i'm not.
Vouchers none
Any special skills Texture making
And finally state anything special thing you think we have to know.
I am very friendly,I am not a sore loser,And I love African pygmy hedgehogs!

I know I'm a low belt but I could be tested online!

Long gone
Everyone underestimates a black belt.
No hard feelings.
anyways,I might apply gain when I am 10th dan.
Your application was nice,but honestly a black belt at his first account have still a LOT to learn...also the best black belt ever
Try when you will be almost 7 dan(or if you are really strong also before,because we judge principally skills....principally;) )
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Mod: Wushu, AkidoBD and Ninjustsu.
State whats your belt(atleast 7th dan).: 10th
State your rank.: 109
State your reason for wanting to join JR.: I like this clan alot and think I will fit right in with you guys and gals.
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.: Element and Cookie
State why u left that clan.: Inactivity
State timezone.: Gmt-6
State you age.: 13
Forum activity.: On a scale from 1-10 is a 9
IN game avtivity:8
Vouchers(The guy who invited you). : HippyBob,Pulse, and MaDWoozie
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).Texture making and avvys and things of that nature.
Some replys.
: Akido decap.rpl

KickBox first try.rpl
Don't really save thinngs
And finally state anything special thing you think: i'm not gay and I have a sense of humor.