Original Post
"Jerking" Songs
This 'disease' has hit all over the world. Starting in california. The "jerk" followed by other dances like: Tha Reject and Dippin'
And now these newly styled idiots are coming out with songs to jerk to. I think it's completely ridiculous. I'm a fan of most rap songs, because they get me pumped up, but these are just retarded. (And I thought rap was starting to get better) However, I will admit some of these songs are catchy. But add a 'fly' beat, and derogatory words and you have a "Jerking" Song. This is only the beginning to the stupidity.


Check some out:

Tell me what you think of this latest style.
Last edited by Bob_old; Mar 13, 2010 at 07:16 AM.
i hate all rap, so i hate this too

User infracted: Useless post. ~Maple
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Mar 22, 2010 at 10:17 PM.
Songs to jerk to... this can not end well for them.

Especially since those songs don't sound like anything that makes me want to fap.
i liek turtelz xd
No, I just meant that its stupid to make those songs just for a dance. I think Corey was talking about the dance though.
I can jerk. I don't generally listen to mainstream rap, in fact I listen to post hardcore and deathcore more than anything. Jerking isn't hard; it just requires you to have some rhythm. Jerk as a genre would just be another way for a nobody to get signed up to a record label through the same ways as what rappers like Hurricane Chris did or like Yung Joc. Easy as shit.
Last edited by Brolover; Mar 18, 2010 at 01:51 PM.
Show a bro some love.
So you can skip backwards in place BIG FUCKING DEAL

this whole entire fad is one of the most stupidest things i've seen since all the crank dat soulja boy versions.

And it sounds like jacking off or "jerking off"



really people REALLY?
Last edited by tertywerty; Mar 22, 2010 at 10:45 PM.