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To the bookstore!
So I'm going to the bookstore tommorow and I have a large amount of money to spend (150$ or so). I've got a few books in my mind that I'm going to buy, but even so, I'll still have left over money. I'm going to buy 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' and 'The virtue of selfishness'. I'm interested in philosophy.
So I want some book suggestions. I know a few of you here have sort of the same interests as me (*cough*hector*cough*), so I'd like you to recommend a book for me to buy.
"Business Stripped Bare" by Richard Branson, Its Really good and full to the brim with ploshophy on life and (of coarse) business.
Franklin Rides A Bike By Paulette Bourgeois.

She is a philosophical mastermind and has taught me a lot about the virtues of life, specifically the simple things in life. Quite the page turner and also fairly cheap and easy to understand. Magnificent illustrations, some testimonials on the back are from Stephanie Meyer (writer of the Twilight series) and Steven King (Some random writer...)
Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
What about philosophy of religion? I could recommend some good books

Depends on what side of the argument the books is for.

Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
Franklin Rides A Bike By Paulette Bourgeois.

She is a philosophical mastermind and has taught me a lot about the virtues of life, specifically the simple things in life. Quite the page turner and also fairly cheap and easy to understand. Magnificent illustrations, some testimonials on the back are from Stephanie Meyer (writer of the Twilight series) and Steven King (Some random writer...)

I'll check it out.
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
Depends on what side of the argument the books is for.

Isn't it good to read both sides of the argument? ;)

Anyhow, knowing BnW it'd have to guess it's going to be something by William Lane Craig :P
Probably "Reasonable Faith".
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Isn't it good to read both sides of the argument? ;)

Why should I educate myself in the art of the evasion of reality?

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
"Reasonable Faith".

That title is an oxymoron. But I'll wiki it.