Original Post
Déjà vu
Why and how do they occur? I get one every few days usually, and they creep the hell out of me.

Is it simply the brain misinterpreting the present as the past? Or is it something more?
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
It happens when you see something and your brain tries to interpret it is 'just seen', but it accidentily goes to memory. Then the brain is like "Hey, I know that". and then you get the idea you saw it before.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
You're brain keeps nearly every new piece of information it see's. Sometimes when you have done/see something you have once done in the last few days. You're brain automatically see's it and recognizes. It happens so fast, you get Deja vu.

Or it's because you have a future self of you running around doing things a few days ahead of you.

<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
And as far as I know it occurs mostly if you get too less sleep, because the brain is more likelyx to make a misstake then. (At least for me, it is true )
I am myself suffering from less sleep...because of various reasons...So I know it myself...

Head goes void when you less sleep...Deja vu aint what you get then...
Warrior Do not live forever, But they don't die either.
I get déjà vu every now and then.
It freaks the shit out of me.