Endurance Onslaught 6.0
From what I've seen, this movie looks pretty lame :3
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Well, i was happily surprised.

No, it didn't reinvent the wheel, so to say.

But yes, it was a hell of a (good) movie. Sure it took the easy way out and mostly slapped some new-story makeup latex on the old-story actor body, but it did a good job at it. Even though it's sort of cheating, whenever a movie succeeds to stroke the deeper emotions hardwired into a human mind, it's succeeded in a universal way in being a good movie... If you didn't get it, this one did.

Not many movies do, the ones I can think of now are Braveheart, Das Boot, LotR (only on the first few watches though, it fades), and maybe Titanic (I need a re-watch, saw it last when I was less than 15). That should give an idea on which earlier works I think are parallel to this one.

As for it having an old story, it's not that unusual about movies really, now, is it? Or are you saying LotR was shit because it used the classic "a weapon that's too dangerous for anyone to use has to be destroyed" story? I seriously doubt that was coined by even the book, even being as old as it is. Or, say, Inglorious Basterds, I'm not going to believe all of you who bash Avatar for an old story didn't like that one, with an even older story I'm sure: simply blind retribution.

Now you're going to say that the examples I gave you aren't only their core plot. But then again, neither is Avatar. It has depth, just like LotR, and ballsy humor like Inglorious Basterds. Even if you're gonna say all the characteristics of said elements of depth are clichés, look at, say, hobbits. Forget that they were the first little people, or that their universe was the first fantasy universe. That, while not being a small feat, still doesn't change the fact that they're the cliché of an easy-living rural people, that, believe it or not, did already exist when Tolkien wrote his marvel.

Also, if you're wondering, i have watched both the movies, and read the book, in the original English, so I'm not just talking out of my ass.

All in all, it's not going to change the world, but it is an excellent movie, and it seems to be getting bashed on unfair grounds and way too much.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
That movie is sure the best one I have ever seen. It was like a dream and I loved it. Too bad I couldn't watch it in 3D over here because there were problems getting the key to show the 3D version of it. It's like a 16 character code which you need for every single time you show it in any cinema. This is Germany by the way. When the commercials were over, the owner of our cinema (Cinestar) came personally in our big ass room and apologized 1000 times for FOX not sending the key soon enough. Well we had 2 options being:
•watch the movie in 2D in that cinema
•go out, complain, bitch around, call FOX whatever

I of course decided to watch it in 2D and it still kicked ass! All the girls in the cinema cried when the movie was over because of certain scenes that, I have to admit, were really sad. By that I mean the asshole huge dude that wanted to destroy their home tree just to make money. Also when they flattened the area of this tree of souls or something. It was really touching.
All in all, I loved the movie very much and I cannot wait for the next 2 parts I've heard to be broadcasted sooner or later.
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
Ive been wanting to see it for ages...i didnt even know u got it in 3d so thanks for telling me
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
Yeah, avatar is one of the better movies i've seen in a while. Actually, it's the best movie I've seen in years. So epic. Also, gonna watch Sherlock Holmes soon etc.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [pee@NUP-6C9C98D4.elisa-laajakaista.fi] [Quit:]
This movie was fantastic realy.

The effects,the colouring,the shape of the unnatural human bodys evrething where nice.

They couldn't publish this for 15 years since they didn't have the technology to publish it and after 4 years they made this video.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Saw it earlier today, I loved it, the plot had enough twists to keep me entertained, and of course the effects and digital graphics were phenomenal. 8/10 from me
My mates and I wanted to go see Zombieland, but we didn't have ID so we couldn't get in (R16). Instead the only other movie we could see was Avatar. We were really pissed off, because we thought this was a childish movie. It turned out to be a fuckin' awesome movie, awesome effects, nice story. We severely underestimated this movie.
I saw it today, some hours ago and in my opinion, the movie iteslf was pretty cool.
The Na`vis (or however it`s written were pretty well done and the planet pandora (it was in spanish so the name might have been modified) great looking
Although the 3D was really good, i expected a slightly more realistic effect, and actors were average.

I liked it, but not my favourite movie
Saw it a few hours ago too. All I can say was it was really awesome and deserves a chance at least. One of the best movies I've seen in awhile. Was also glad it didnt turn into something like 2012 with all CGI and shit story. The story was probably the best part.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'