Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Failing technology class.
I really didnt see this coming but im failing technology class.
Wanna know why?
The teacher was a (insert noun of choice here)
The class sucked anyway it was just typing poo and learning to use iphoto and crap like that.
it was strictly mac based so it was crash paradise half the time i had my fingers crossed hoping my mouse wouldnt turn into the little color full beachball of death
The teacher (Alice) Ms. Spicer was fresh out of collage so all the "dudes" were sucking up to here but she was so stupid.
everything she said sounded like it had a question mark after it and she assigned extra crap if kids were talking.
So yeah if you go to school in Illinois dont take IIT class and if you do pray to god you dont get her.
So just to spice up this thread have you ever taken a technology class? If so what kind of grades did you get? I mean im on the computer all the time and fail a semester class lol
I would love your feed back =)
Basically, what your saying is:
"I chose to not pay attention in class, and to not listen to the teacher, I felt it more fun to browse the internet for games, but I need to blame it on someone else because the whole system is rigged for everyone who pays attention to get a good grade."
the god
i took a keyboarding class in 8th grade, and Tech ed all 3 middle school years.

The classes were easy as hell. The teachers were cool. always usually had an A or B.
Well, at my school for DT (Design and Technology), I got a High Distinction, which is the highest grade you can get.
I took this really freaking retarded typing class in 6th grade with this stupid, annoying little green blob alien known as "Digit." I hated it, but it did help me later by helping me type faster when I actually type what I want to.
And I'm taking this Indiana computer class (IC3) and so far it's ok, I get to play games when finished with worksheets and stuff (on sites that aren't blocked =P)
As for grades, I got/get A's because it is still pretty easy.

As for your problem, that teacher must need to go to college longer or at least start out an assistant before becoming a full-blown teacher. My noun(s) of choice: tool/jackhole/wannabe.
Last edited by MrManiac; Dec 12, 2009 at 05:53 AM.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Basically, what your saying is:
"I chose to not pay attention in class, and to not listen to the teacher, I felt it more fun to browse the internet for games, but I need to blame it on someone else because the whole system is rigged for everyone who pays attention to get a good grade."

this pretty much most of us blame others when we fail but really we just fuck around to much
My Computer Science teacher is the best. She cracks joles if were off task. As long as we get our work done and we typed the program she just lets us do whatever.