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Need help finding a movie....Again
Guys, i need help (regarding a movie again).

About 7-8 years ago, i have seen some movie (only a fragment, of course) which caught my attention.
It was science fiction, and the plot revolved around some sort of biological "virtual reality controller" or something like that. It was a pale skin covered...thing....which you could hold in your hands and through it you'd enter alternate reality or some shit.

The main actors were man and woman.....don't know the names

Yeah, this description sucks balls, but If someone has seen it they'd probably know what I'm talking about.

EDIT: never mind i found it, it's eXistenz
Last edited by Odlov; Nov 12, 2009 at 07:10 PM.
Could I ask for a movie in here ? :o

I watched it some months ago, it's about a team of pro divers who dive into the deep sea, fixing some sort of giant thingie. Some Science station or something.
Well after some time, I remember aliens appeared or somewhat.
Then I remember that there was some strange guy, who had liquid stuff in which he could breave(like liquid air). He had a mouse.

And then I remember that there comes a huge wave to a city, and the aliens stop it and hold a humongeous anthem about moral and so on.

Help please?
Last edited by Nobuddie; Nov 12, 2009 at 08:04 PM.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Could I ask for a movie in here ? :o

I watched it some months ago, it's about a team of pro divers who dive into the deep sea, fixing some sort of giant thingie. Some Science station or something.
Well after some time, I remember aliens appeared or somewhat.
Then I remember that there was some strange guy, who had liquid stuff in which he could breave(like liquid air). He had a mouse.

And then I remember that there comes a huge wave to a city, and the aliens stop it and hold a humongeous anthem about moral and so on.

Help please?

Try looking up 'The Sphere'. I may be off by a long shot though.