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Awesome Moments
Right, so there are some times in games, probably not your favorite games, moments that are just awesome and incredible that you love and enjoy going through them, state them.

One of my favorite moments is in Metroid Prime on the Nintendo Gamecube, at the part in the Chozo Ruins where you encounter the Chozo Ghosts, the edgy music at the point combined with the enemies are just plain astounding
The soundtrack for that fight can be found here:

So what's your favorite moment(s)?
Well today, i was playing GTA4 on Xbox Live. I was creeping up on this dude to shoot his face, and then a car with another player in it steamrolls him. It had me in fits of laughter, it was an awesome moment for sure.
Assassin's Creed - Riding on a horse when entering Damascus for the first time, standing on the cliff overlooking the city and being able to see the whole city laid out in front of you.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Dead Space: facing the Hunter for the the first time.

"Hah! Your perfect creation? Doesn't look very perfect without arms or legs! AHAHAAHHA


Oh christ, glad that's over. I was really worried at first and OH FUCK IT'S BACK UP! HOW DO YOU KILL THIS MOTHERFUCKER?!"

Luckily I fucking disintegrated it in Chapter 10 by sitting it in front of a ship engine and blasting it into hell with spaceship fuel.
Originally Posted by DaBandito View Post

Holy fucking shit.

Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Dead Space: facing the Hunter for the the first time.

"Hah! Your perfect creation? Doesn't look very perfect without arms or legs! AHAHAAHHA


Oh christ, glad that's over. I was really worried at first and OH FUCK IT'S BACK UP! HOW DO YOU KILL THIS MOTHERFUCKER?!"

Luckily I fucking disintegrated it in Chapter 10 by sitting it in front of a ship engine and blasting it into hell with spaceship fuel.

Oh god that was one fucked up enemy, scared the hell out of me when he wouldn't die.
Me having to fight the regenerator without my sniper cos i ran outta of bullets in RE4
omg it was ridiculous.
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
But that first encounter doesn't even compare to the second encounter in Chapter 10. You get a taste of its ability to instill pants pissing fear in the medical deck.
After moving through a tedious sliding block puzzle with bunk beds in the sleeping quarters, you come to the nav card you were looking for! Aha! But then all of a sudden, you hear Dr Mercer on your comm and the fucking Hunter drops through the ceiling to join you. In a space about 5m wide. :I
See, the first runthrough of the game I did, I hadn't upgraded my stasis module at all. I barely used it. So the approved tactic of knocking the hunter on its arse and freezing it as it was getting up, didn't work well.
The sheer panic I felt, having to do a fucking block puzzle, while continually fending off a literally unkillable enemy that was no more than 2m away constantly...holy fuck.
I died about 10 times before escaping the bunk room. Then as soon as I did, it dropped on my head from overhead, causing me to shit myself and scream as it performed an instakill. Needless to say, I said 'fuck this SHIT' and quit. I went back to it later. :I
Then of course, as you're running from the motherfucker it's jumping into vents and busting out of them behind you. Even blast doors won't stop it, cos it just fucking GOES AROUND THEM!
Last edited by Warcry; Sep 27, 2009 at 08:30 PM.

One of the best video game moments of all time, no matter how much I dislike the game. I felt so bad after destroying that little town.