decimators replays. I completely agree with flamespike. To me, those were horrible, In the punch one, ok its instagib hands, but he did nothing special. Just leaned and extended arm. The others were just dq's. He didnt even touch the other person. The last seemed more like luck. In my opinion, I dont think he is ready to join.
Originally Posted by decimat0r1 View Post

[kontest punch does NOT have insta hands]

Sure looks like insta hands to me...

Pause at frame 452 and advance one frame. one little touch to the head shouldnt equal a decap

also: watch the abdomin desmember. How?
Look at this. This is something I did with his replay. It definitely is instagib hands,

so decimator, you're kicked from ProtoType for lying about the replay.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
good. why lie? just enter the replay and dont say anything about if its insta or not. Not a smart move. But, about getting tc from the clan? whats that about? im not fully sure on whats happening with that
Originally Posted by nathandude View Post
so decimator, you're kicked from ProtoType for lying about the replay.

Now go away.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Belt: Black

fave mods:Tk,Kickboxing,Romanwrestling

reason for wanting to join:I wanted to join a clan that is active,well respected,high ranked and would prob. accept me and Yall met all the things i wanted