Reason why I want to be an alliance with them is that, well, they host high prized competitions (see here), they're pretty decent, and, I know some of them pretty well, and they're pretty awesome texture makers.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by GanksYou
hmm yes...
we looked this over with teh clan and we decided that PANDORA is now our NEW...NEUTRAL
We don't need an alliance with you ^^

^ ticked me a bit.
master of the universe
Yeah, the position wasn't taken, so, I took it.

I also licked it so no one else would take it.

I don't get what you're saying one bit, lol. ~ Ard
pls puff... could you be more.... precise about what a clan guru does?
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I'm going to go out and find us some enemies. I'll just lurk all the DSC's untill I find one that I don't like...