No, No, No. Both posters are fags. 600 get.

both posters being the non-no fags.
Last edited by Colminator; Jul 10, 2009 at 03:34 AM.
So like, KiTFoX told me that Delaid wanted me to join [NO] and whatnot and [sheep]'s members I can never get a-hold of a have a chance to talk to them so I'm going to apply for [NO] because well, I'm in 'want' of a clan because I haven't had one in awhile any official one anyways: Last clan was [RelaxAll] but I've been really inactive in the game so I really haven't thought of it so yeah.

Name: 2Bit first account Tortle now banned, Daxx666 bought it for me and then trans. the stuff on my old account with my custom belt and some demon over to his, but he made me textures on demand so it was fair play.

How long have you been playing: November 07. (On original account: Darkcow/Tortle)
1 year and something months, cba to do math up the months.

I come on the #no irc now anyways to get to know the can members, I already know Litto and Squee, they're old friends I know hanz0 but we never talk and I know Delaid.
Hmm, can't really think of what else to add oh right.

I'm a 4th Dan black belt I'm inactive in-game though but I'm starting to become more active in tk which is my favorite gamemode since I lost my love and style for Wushu.
And well yeah, that's my application and what not.
If I need to add something query me in irc under the name(s): Tortle, torleep, or torafk.
Those are my names that I use of talk to me in the #no channel because I'll be there anyways.

- 2Bit.
ayylmaos are real