Original Post
[Spoilers]Most original game ending.
Galrath approves. This doesn't count here, so if you don't want to be spoiled, get out. :v

Yeah, I thought I might just rip-off that one thread about gaming cliche's and make one about the good game endings. This thread is where you state your favourite ending, whether it be most original or just best (say what it is, no holds barred spoilers) and give some reasons.

Got this idea after talking with bdo, here's one that we both like v

Mine is probably the new Prince of Persia, It's cool how he's selfish and he undoes everything he worked for in the game.

Say your's :v
lead Sigma
you've never figured it out by you make the choice for the ending in the game when your playing in the middle of or kill the little sisters i saved them and in the end, and in the end you give the little sisters life ( they all get married and all have children) and when your old and bout' to die their there to help you

Ps: can't wait till bio shock two
Last edited by Aelak; May 23, 2009 at 06:15 PM.
Originally Posted by aelak View Post
you've never figured it out by you make the choice for the ending in the game when your playing in the middle of or kill the little sisters i saved them and in the end, and in the end you give the little sisters life ( they all get married and all have children) and when your old and bout' to die their there to help you

Ps: can't wait till bio shock two

That's not original...

Remember Fable?
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
That's not original...

Remember Fable?

never beat fable i only beat fable two :] so thank you for correcting me but bioshock still has a kickass Pre, mid. and end game choice
Fable two is alot like fable 1, but fable 1 has two choices that are exactly like Bioshock
(kill your sister, or save her).

Anyways I found that the COD4 ending really touched me in ways that no other game or pedophile ever did.
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
Fable two is alot like fable 1, but fable 1 has two choices that are exactly like Bioshock
(kill your sister, or save her).

Anyways I found that the COD4 ending really touched me in ways that no other game or pedophile ever did.

Do please clear this up for me, i picked love...and my dawg :] and my sister came back to life i reiceved a letter from my sister and the said we will meet in do time...i waited and waited (weeks) and the and the sister never came back....

PS: highlight for a Easter egg
if you go to the old fable 1 town that is now a zombie pit BEFORE the expansion pack and you stick going northeast down a dirt road trail you'll find a grave that sais here " here lies (cant remember the gils name) and her teddy bear rosy...its from fable one the girl you asks you to find here teddy bear and i forgot here name is sais it on the grave
Lufia II
God damnit the heros die. How epic is that?
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Mass effect, best ending ever (Depends on how good/neutral/bad you were though. I was full Paragon so my ending was amazing... Now I wants masseffect 2 :*(