Endurance Onslaught 6.0
You guys will hate my replay xD

Removed replay due to not being a member of ORMO ~Tamer0
Last edited by Tamer0; May 2, 2009 at 09:01 PM.
master of the universe
Sorry but posting replays in this thread is for members only. Fix up your application first and if you get accepted, feel free to re-post the replay.
hey guys i just made a very cool replay.Anyway Tamer0 i think i have to choose a nickname.just like Funked Up Replay Maker,right?Here's the replay:
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Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
Sorry but posting replays in this thread is for members only. Fix up your application first and if you get accepted, feel free to re-post the replay.

k sorry lol
master of the universe
@MYI: Nice, but seems a little... Powerless? Looks more like a flailing noodle than a flailing morningstar, if you get what i mean. But anyways, 8/10.

I tried some me vs Uke for these three... Personally, i like the last one best.
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<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I'm hungry and sleepy but want a comment on my new replay so just gonna comment one.

Third one - Was interesting, would have liked to see more realism though, the start was nice but after all the hands and heads started flying.. Kind of lost it.
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SP - Creep.rpl (192.8 KB, 20 views)
Whoop Whoop
lol, magix, that was kind of creepy. o.o

Very unique, I loved it. i think the beginning vould have benn a little less random, though.

here's mine: teh cl3an3st d3c4p EVAR!!
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#####clean, clean, clean.rpl (71.4 KB, 18 views)
Shook:nice replays..i give them an overall of 8.5/10 .

Magix:I lol'ed when i saw that drunk walk.liked it.i think i'll give it 8/10.

dethreaper:well i hate clean decaps so i'll not rate this one.i got no experience in rating clean decaps :P.
ok i made a little replay out of boredom and it's kinda cool.I bet it will not take 9/10 or more(i think).Anyway,rate and tell me what is good in it and what i should work harder on.

EDIT: Damn, forgot to upload that replay..here it is:
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MYI_punch-kick_combo.rpl (175.7 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by MYI; May 5, 2009 at 03:48 PM.