My name is Miles, and I am applying to become a member of the Envy team. Starting Toribash in 2012, I was young and interested in the game, seeing it on a Youtube video and deciding to try it out. Little did I know was that I was going to get hooked on this game and play it almost every day until around 2015. Toribash is an addictive experience that really has endless possibilities.

I quit the game in 2015 due to changes in life and just trying to figure things out. I recently picked the game back up in 2022 and rekindled an interest with the same game I was hooked on 10 years ago. Getting back into this game has been a nice, refreshing experience and has cut the monotony of endless streams of boring and repetitive games that are being pumped out every year. I love how strong and active the community is after how long this game has been around.

There are numerous reasons why I would like to join Envy. I have met some of the members from Envy, and they are very cool people. I met Cyber in the Envy server and him and I were instantly chillin. He invited me to the Discord, and everyone treated me like their own. I appreciate all the help and hospitality they have given me, even after only knowing me for a short time. I love how active they are in the TB and on discord and just talking to them in the VC is a blast. I wish to learn from the members of Envy and better myself not only as a player, but as a person in general. To be a part of the Envy team would be a great honor to me.

I like to play basketball and golf as pastimes outside my online life. I also love to drink beer. I like all types of music except for country. My Favorite show is Breaking Bad. I don't microwave fries; I air fry or heat them in the oven. Hotdogs are a sandwich, they are like a sub. My pet peeves are shovelers and snapkickers.

I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this application. You all are legends.

Originally Posted by Miles420 View Post
My name is Miles, and I am applying to become a member of the Envy team. Starting Toribash in 2012, I was young and interested in the game, seeing it on a Youtube video and deciding to try it out. Little did I know was that I was going to get hooked on this game and play it almost every day until around 2015. Toribash is an addictive experience that really has endless possibilities.

I quit the game in 2015 due to changes in life and just trying to figure things out. I recently picked the game back up in 2022 and rekindled an interest with the same game I was hooked on 10 years ago. Getting back into this game has been a nice, refreshing experience and has cut the monotony of endless streams of boring and repetitive games that are being pumped out every year. I love how strong and active the community is after how long this game has been around.

There are numerous reasons why I would like to join Envy. I have met some of the members from Envy, and they are very cool people. I met Cyber in the Envy server and him and I were instantly chillin. He invited me to the Discord, and everyone treated me like their own. I appreciate all the help and hospitality they have given me, even after only knowing me for a short time. I love how active they are in the TB and on discord and just talking to them in the VC is a blast. I wish to learn from the members of Envy and better myself not only as a player, but as a person in general. To be a part of the Envy team would be a great honor to me.

I like to play basketball and golf as pastimes outside my online life. I also love to drink beer. I like all types of music except for country. My Favorite show is Breaking Bad. I don't microwave fries; I air fry or heat them in the oven. Hotdogs are a sandwich, they are like a sub. My pet peeves are shovelers and snapkickers.

I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this application. You all are legends.


After waiting nearly two weeks and through your interactions with our members in Discord, we've made the choice to invite you. Welcome to Envy!
<a href= target=_blank></a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Name: Michael/Night/Bird.

I have many more alternate accounts, the reason I have so many is when I was my prime self my tc dumb was alternate account name changes. The alternate accounts stimulate my mental health. When I act out or go off, it is cool to kind of start over as if no one knows.

Join Date: I started playing Toribash in 2009. I was introduced by my friend who no longer plays. I played this game religiously then on. However, I became quite toxic. I was just an awful user, so bad that I was ban on sight for a long time. After a forced hiatus I came back for awhile, and then took another hiatus which leads me to now.

About Me: I am a 29 year old, Male. I live in America, I like football and basketball. Detroit Lions being my football team. Los Angeles Clippers being my basketball team. I have a 10 month old son named Jasper. Toribash related, I am a pretty chill dude though I have a habit of losing my temper. I am very bad at losing. Especially if I get ran from or robbed. It is not the best of traits but I am really working on it. If you subtract that and we just kick it and vibe I am sure all of us will get along well. I deal with some mental health issues, I do sometime act out. I don't mean to.

Reason For Joining: Honestly it just boils down to vibes, I would like a place to mess around hang out and make each other better. Friendships, that will outlive TB. I have actually been in Envy before but I was removed do to how I was trying to act my mental health was hitting very low at the time and I was just falling into just being toxic and odd. I am going to be quite active, so I would like to help with CL maybe next year. Just all around be a better team player than I was last time I was here.

In Conclusion: I think that I will be a good asset to you all, I am an active player that will show up on forums, in-game as well as some discord things. I am no stranger to VC. I am up for all of that stuff. I get unbanned in 4 days and on that day my goal from than on is to make a member of staff. Completely change my game around and hopefully do it as [e]Night.
Originally Posted by Bird View Post
Name: Michael/Night/Bird.

I have many more alternate accounts, the reason I have so many is when I was my prime self my tc dumb was alternate account name changes. The alternate accounts stimulate my mental health. When I act out or go off, it is cool to kind of start over as if no one knows.

Join Date: I started playing Toribash in 2009. I was introduced by my friend who no longer plays. I played this game religiously then on. However, I became quite toxic. I was just an awful user, so bad that I was ban on sight for a long time. After a forced hiatus I came back for awhile, and then took another hiatus which leads me to now.

About Me: I am a 29 year old, Male. I live in America, I like football and basketball. Detroit Lions being my football team. Los Angeles Clippers being my basketball team. I have a 10 month old son named Jasper. Toribash related, I am a pretty chill dude though I have a habit of losing my temper. I am very bad at losing. Especially if I get ran from or robbed. It is not the best of traits but I am really working on it. If you subtract that and we just kick it and vibe I am sure all of us will get along well. I deal with some mental health issues, I do sometime act out. I don't mean to.

Reason For Joining: Honestly it just boils down to vibes, I would like a place to mess around hang out and make each other better. Friendships, that will outlive TB. I have actually been in Envy before but I was removed do to how I was trying to act my mental health was hitting very low at the time and I was just falling into just being toxic and odd. I am going to be quite active, so I would like to help with CL maybe next year. Just all around be a better team player than I was last time I was here.

In Conclusion: I think that I will be a good asset to you all, I am an active player that will show up on forums, in-game as well as some discord things. I am no stranger to VC. I am up for all of that stuff. I get unbanned in 4 days and on that day my goal from than on is to make a member of staff. Completely change my game around and hopefully do it as [e]Night.

We appreciate your time to apply to Envy, Michael, but the decision is a no.
<a href= target=_blank></a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Denied for liking the LAC
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
My Name: OriginMy Ingame-Name: Origin
Age: 20

[Clan Name: Envy]

Subject: Application for Membership in Clan "Envy"- Toribash

Dear Envy-Leadership,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Origin, and I go by the in-game username "origin." I am writing to express my strong desire to join the esteemed ranks of Envy in the renowned game, Toribash.

Having been an avid player of Toribash for several years, I have developed a deep passion for the game and have honed my skills to a considerable extent. Throughout my journey in the Toribash community, I have had the privilege of interacting with some of the elder members of "Envy." These interactions have not only provided me with valuable insights into the culture and values upheld by your esteemed clan but have also inspired me to aspire to be a part of your prestigious community.

My experiences with the older members of "Envy" have instilled in me a sense of loyalty and admiration for the values that the clan upholds. The dedication, teamwork, and sportsmanship exhibited by the members of "Envy" have motivated me to align my gameplay and principles with the high standards that your clan represents.

I believe my journey as a Toribash player has equipped me with the necessary skills and understanding of the game mechanics to make a positive contribution to Clan "Envy." I am eager to learn, grow, and adapt within the clan, striving to continuously improve my skills and support the collective objectives of the team. Moreover, my loyalty and commitment to the clan will be unwavering, ensuring I uphold the values and spirit of "Envy" throughout my tenure as a member.

I understand the responsibility and commitment that come with being a part of a clan like "Envy." I am prepared to invest the time and effort required to excel as a member of your esteemed community. I am open to guidance, eager to learn from the experiences of the elder members, and determined to contribute my best efforts to enhance the reputation and success of Clan "Envy."
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining Clan "Envy" and contributing to the thriving Toribash community under your esteemed leadership.

I also like to gamble a lot, drink, smoke, pick up Latinas, and be high all the time. I play Toribash, FiveM, and all games basically, especially bed-type games.
I am studying at university (majoring in Business Law) and am in debt as well.
Take me baby one more time!
Best regards,
Last edited by Origin; Oct 11, 2023 at 10:24 PM.
Immortal Sword Sovereign
Originally Posted by Origin View Post
My Name: OriginMy Ingame-Name: Origin
Age: 20

[Clan Name: Envy]

Subject: Application for Membership in Clan "Envy"- Toribash

Dear Envy-Leadership,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Origin, and I go by the in-game username "origin." I am writing to express my strong desire to join the esteemed ranks of Envy in the renowned game, Toribash.

Having been an avid player of Toribash for several years, I have developed a deep passion for the game and have honed my skills to a considerable extent. Throughout my journey in the Toribash community, I have had the privilege of interacting with some of the elder members of "Envy." These interactions have not only provided me with valuable insights into the culture and values upheld by your esteemed clan but have also inspired me to aspire to be a part of your prestigious community.

My experiences with the older members of "Envy" have instilled in me a sense of loyalty and admiration for the values that the clan upholds. The dedication, teamwork, and sportsmanship exhibited by the members of "Envy" have motivated me to align my gameplay and principles with the high standards that your clan represents.

I believe my journey as a Toribash player has equipped me with the necessary skills and understanding of the game mechanics to make a positive contribution to Clan "Envy." I am eager to learn, grow, and adapt within the clan, striving to continuously improve my skills and support the collective objectives of the team. Moreover, my loyalty and commitment to the clan will be unwavering, ensuring I uphold the values and spirit of "Envy" throughout my tenure as a member.

I understand the responsibility and commitment that come with being a part of a clan like "Envy." I am prepared to invest the time and effort required to excel as a member of your esteemed community. I am open to guidance, eager to learn from the experiences of the elder members, and determined to contribute my best efforts to enhance the reputation and success of Clan "Envy."
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining Clan "Envy" and contributing to the thriving Toribash community under your esteemed leadership.

I also like to gamble a lot, drink, smoke, pick up Latinas, and be high all the time. I play Toribash, FiveM, and all games basically, especially bed-type games.
I am studying at university (majoring in Business Law) and am in debt as well.
Take me baby one more time!
Best regards,

We appreciate your time to apply to Envy, Origin, but the decision is a no.
<a href= target=_blank></a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Envy Application
Dear Toribash Clan Recruitment Team,

I hope this application finds you well. My name is Drew, and I am writing to express my strong interest in joining your Toribash clan. I have been a dedicated Toribash player for eight years, and I believe that my experience, dedication, and passion for the game make me a valuable candidate for your clan.

Here's a bit more about myself and my Toribash journey:

Personal Information:
Name: Drew
Location: Wisconsin
Age: 21

Toribash Experience:
I have been actively playing Toribash for eight years, which has allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the game's mechanics and strategies.
Over the years, I have honed my skills and developed a strong sense of camaraderie with the Toribash community.
Favorite Mod:
My favorite mod in Toribash is "Akido Big Dojo." I find the mod's balance of technique and strategy particularly engaging and challenging.

Why I Want to Join Your Clan:
Your clan's reputation for skill, teamwork, and sportsmanship has caught my attention, and I am eager to become part of a group of like-minded individuals who are passionate about Toribash.
I believe that joining a clan will allow me to take my Toribash skills to the next level, as well as contribute to the clan's success through teamwork and dedication.
What I Bring to Your Clan:
Dedication and commitment to both the game and the clan's goals.
A wealth of experience in Toribash, which I am eager to share with clan members.
A positive and respectful attitude, both on and off the virtual battlefield.
A desire to learn and grow alongside fellow clan members.

Closing Statement:
I am excited about the opportunity to join your clan and be a part of your Toribash community. I am confident that my experience, dedication, and passion for the game make me a strong candidate, and I look forward to contributing to the clan's success and fostering a positive gaming environment.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for further discussions or interviews at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me through the provided email address or in-game username. I eagerly await the opportunity to prove my worth as a valuable member of your Toribash clan.


About me:
(amo o palmeiras)

My name is Chrung or Suetch, any of these. I have 17 years and brazilian. I starded playing toribash in 2015, but in another account, since then I fell in love with this community, especially the brazilian community, it really was a magical time for everyone.

Why do I want to enter:

In short, I found envy, a group of amazing peoples, part of this incredible community, that was a while ago, but only now have I tried apply.

In general, i did it just to really try, I even participated in wars against envy but no one needs to remember that. Thanks.