xD I wish I lived in Brazil Maldi :P In fact though I am in Ohio in the U.S. so I would be best under the white splotch (the great lakes) that is under jojo, and just a bit above mr bbq.
Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
rly? He had a totally different head last time i saw him. He'll be fine in Siberia.

lol, is he in exile? They used to send people there to die xD

Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
i'll put u in north dakota jojo ^^

You have him in northern Canada atm :P
Last edited by deady; Apr 7, 2009 at 10:44 PM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
No but that part of the world was so empty! And now with you the whole south america will be empty. Sahee, we have to recruit brazilian girls.

The one on the bottom right is me looks nice

edit: At least it looks like me, a diff one is placed in Norway.
Last edited by FlamingBob; Apr 8, 2009 at 12:21 AM.
Get over here! OLDA RelaxAll
maldi. let's add somebody else into the project, yes ;P. Let brainpain make us a frog logo .
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
Deady invades the world.

oh wow, i lol'd very much this is far better than just Ohio.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.