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Would it be beneficial to sink items as well?
Would it be good for the economy to sink items just like tc? If not then why?
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
hey Hassan

Imo, yes. Some items that were "sunk" or hidden from the torishop had ended up having their demand and value higher.

But it wouldn't work at 100%, since some items are considered "trash" by most users or just because they are cheap in torishop.
Yes it would definitely help with the economy, considering the player base being so low and there being a huge excess of items. Supply is really high yet demand is pretty low.

Would be interesting if they made an event or lottery in which you transfer items to a staff/event account and based on the worth/quantity of the items you get certain % of winning and you get rewarded with like VIP or Custom Usertitle, and other prizes. (just randomly thought of this so meh not really a full idea/thought out because it's pretty much 1am and I just saw this post so yeah). Anyways, if there could be some way of sinking items whether it be via an event or w/e then it would help.

However, considering the low player base, I doubt there would be enough item sinkage to really impact how the market currently is.
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Thing is, unlike TC, items can't be removed. They get sent to accounts, which act as sinks, but technically they never disappear. It still reflects on "total items" count so it creates an illusion that item is not as rare as it really is.
Of course it still somewhat brings up the value if the item is popular, but generally it doesn't make a significant difference from what I've observed.
I really wanted to understand what's being discussed here but I have no clue of what is a "sink". Could someone give me a brief explanation pretty please? :^S
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Only sinks that would be benefitial are sinks from active marketers' accounts. Those, obviously, would never happen.

Market doesn't get any better when you remove TC or items from dead accounts - they aren't in circulation and thus don't have any effects on it.

Also items can be killed - we just don't do it because there's no need in it. TC sinking (kinda) has a purpose as Torishop has a global TC limit - and even though it gets updated every time we hit the limit, TSAs sometimes sink TC obtained through namechanges and similar sinks. However, there's no limit on number of items in existence - that's why they're usually just sent to some system accounts instead.