i play gitar

i skateboard

i sing along to barbie commercials


i dance with barney

hows your life?


My life is fun cuz i do whatever i get an urge to do

cept sex. Sex is kinda... grody xD jk nah sex is just not what i really care about.

(mega, you fag, i hates you and natasha cuz you gonna be happier than me meanie)

nah i luv you megah, and i wub natasha too, and i wub your tattos awwww day lung
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
woah de ja vu @_@... i feel like I've seen this line of posts before... like 2 days ago >_>
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...
Parrot's history

Parrot was first ever founded by me and a guy called Hypnogiraffe id guess about 2 or 3 years ago, back when you had to pay for the full-version (back wen there were only bout 20 people online at any time). IT was a a popular clan, but me and hypnogiraffe were white belts, but we didnt care, it was all bout having a laugh, and we had bout 10 members who were online everyday, and all was good. Me and Hypnogiraffe made a warcry for Parrot - whenever we enterred a match we would go 'CUCKOOO!', which obviously scared the shit out of them, lol. It carried on like this for about a month or so.

However, i took about a 3 week break from toribash, to find that all 'my' Parrots were gone, which made me sad and made me quit

I came back to the game january 2008, but didnt enjoy it that much. However, i was in a server and a guy called Chocosyrup joined, and said something ive remembered ever since: 'Moop... CUCKOOO!'. Lol, i was so happy i had found some1 who was in Parrot back then. We re-founded Parrot wen i was a green belt and Chocosyrup was a yellow belt, and i recruited skulfuk wen he was orange belt. We were total noobs back then.

Me and Chocosyrup (we were co-leaders at the time) took a short break from toribash, and when we got back, it was a total mess. 2 of our members, Pnut and wooooooooo paid for the clan to become official without asking us (us being me and chocosyrup), and they appointed themselves leaders. They did a crap job of leading the clan, resulting in most of our members quitting.

Skulfuk and Orangesoda (who were 2 ordinary members at the time) were fighting to get me and chocosyrup as leaders again, and got MBK involved. After about a month of fighting for it, we finally got the clan back (MBK gave it back to us). Skulfuk and orangesoda were the ones fighting for it back while me and chocosyrup were away, and were 2 of the only members who didnt quit, which is why they became deputy leaders (skulfuk is now co-leader, since chocosyrup is very inactive nowadays).

However, by this time, Parrot was a complete laughing stock, having 2 blue belts for leaders, having only a few members and every1 judged us because we had the clan stolen off us by Pnut and wooooooooo. On irc, we were talked about as being the worst and the noobiest clan.

However, me and chocosyrup didnt give up, we kept trying (despite being a laughing stock), we got new members, we made a clan video (which sucked, but o well), and we got things running smoothly, despite everybody saying 'HAHA, UR IN PARROT, UR A NOOB!' whenever we entered a server.

Eventually, we started belting up, i got to black belt (which gained slightly more respect, but people still hated us), and just ignored those who flamed us. Our minimum belt was still blue belt however, and all of our members were noobs.

I think the time we started getting more respect was when skulfuk made me my first vid, 'Youve Been Moopified!' which was then followed by some subsequent vids which got better and better, and people started seeing we werent actually that bad.

It was about this time when i was in a server playing, Hypnogiraffe enterred (the guy who i originally founded Parrot with a few years ago), and he was so surprised and amazed that Parrot had lasted all this time. He (obviously) joined Parrot again, but has recently become inactive.

We stopped recruiting noobs to the clan, the noobs who were still in our clan started belting up, becoming more mature, and stopped being noobs, and a lot of our members became an active part of the toribash community outside our own clan forum.

It kept on going like this, we refused to give up, we kept ignoring flamers, and eventually they stopped flaming us, and started respecting us.

Eventually, i appointed skulfuk new co-leader (As chocosyrup became inactive), and he gave us a lot of rep for the clan. I also started gaining rep for the clan when i started making my own videos (rather than getting skulfuk to make them for me), with my first video being Moophasanafro (which sucked) to my latest vids such as Taekkyon Me and Smooth Criminal.

But yeh, after that awful start to the clan, we built Parrot into what is now an extremely respected clan, with one of the most active forums, and we are regularly having applicants who are 8th dan +, and we're popular enough to be able to turn them down. We now have 2 promo team members (me and mrama), 1 smod (RedDevil), 1 tori-agent (culapou) and 1 member with as much power as hampa (skulfuk) and a custom belt.

Just think, if we had all quit parrot, given up and just gone to any other clan, none of us would be well-known at all, and we would still have no respect.

^ RedDevil asked me to post this here on Lady's behalf
Last edited by Moop; Mar 24, 2009 at 10:48 PM.
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave