nice guys :3 im getting close to the black belt. but i want to stay as one of the best brownies
i wonder if i am the best brownie yet, in some categorys (like sp )
i love him in a not-gay way ;p

oh thx jtank. i just have to learn about voodoo xP

Ikua: yes there will be new co-leaders,i posted a thread.

Btw, why the heck you send me a whole viridian pack :OOO

Poll is opened now
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post

Im just as active as i want,i dont play to belt up.


Oh really, what about the time you told me you play a lot of jousting because it's fast QI?
Whoop Whoop
man, send this in a pm ... or we will have a lil war in our info-thread.