Original Post
Apology From T0astman, Wait what?
Hello dear bashers [sexjokelul] I am here tonight to apologise for my actions in the best. We all know I used to be Angry T0astman the flamer of all flames but I'm happy now . I discovered /b/ and all my problems seemed to go away.

I'm just sorry to those of you I argued with, flames, etc.

Im especially apologetic To Chac, yes Chac. Most of you are oldfags here on the forum and I had a grudge against chac a while back. So yeah, sorry bud.

inb4 lulpussy inb4, Rules 1&2 [Raids only cock knocks]
I remember you, you wern't as much angry as just trying to get attention. :P

Edit: Whats with all the apology threads, jesus.
Last edited by stix; Feb 20, 2009 at 04:08 AM.
Well "WarFaggot" Ive probably done a lot worse than you have.

/b/ makes lulz
Last edited by T0astman; Feb 20, 2009 at 04:18 AM.
:/ I know right, I was going to make an apology thread for being banned so much and everyone hating me. Guess I'll wait for the fire to cool down :P.

Your sins are forgiven T0astman :P
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Who gives a shit whether or not you found /b/, don't bring it here (like every other 10 year old on these forums does).
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