-Age: 22

-GMT: -5

-Past Clans: Evil, some others I can't remember, been inactive for a while

-Past accounts/Alt accounts: Name change from BagleCagle

-Why do you still play Toribash today? I really enjoy the unique gameplay

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash? To become more proficient at game modes outside of aikido based mods

-Why do you want to join [eVo]? On recommendation from Tripstone and this is also a clan I've held to a high standard for a long time, I believe you can still see an old app from years ago, I think it is in the old app thread.

-What can you bring to [eVo]? I'm a pretty decent player, easy to get along with

-Do you have any friends in [eVo]? If so who? Tripstone, used to be acquaintances with ofCannabis and Dimebag

Would you be willing to have a voice chat with [eVo] Members via Discord? Of course

Please tell us some information about yourself, the more the better:
My name is Brandon, Bagel was my high school nickname. I am currently attending college as an Accounting Major. Major wise I am a sophmore, due to spending several years part-time and undecided. I live in the dorms August through April with 3 roommates. In the summer I work on a construction crew pouring concrete. I am a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity so I have obligations to do community service and party now and then with them. In my free time, I like to go backpacking/hiking/camping, or participate in just about any sport that is available, unless it takes place on a ball diamond, but soccer and volleyball are preferred.
get to know me and find out
or some shit" -Tripstone

Also include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord. I am in the EVO discord
