Original Post
Joint Clan League Record

This is a thread for Group H to record our Clan League Match

Group Standing
[M] - 8
[Obey] - 28
(neko) - 10

Average GMT of Each Clan

Midnight Average GMT: +3
Neko Average GMT: +3
Obey Average GMT: -4(?)



Obey's Roster

Midnight's Roster (Temp)*

Neko's roster

How the match works**

To match up with the challonge set, here are the rounds that need to be played.

For ease, let's use modlist 1 (aikidobigdojo.tbm, lenshu3ng.tbm, taekkyon.tbm, wushu3dome.tbm, judofrac.tbm, lightninglenshu_fixed.tbm) for starred rounds - 1,2,3.

modlist 2 (greykido.tbm, rk-mma.tbm, erthtkV2.tbm ,boxshu_mushu_v3.tbm, judo.tbm, messer_6.tbm) for unmarked rounds - 4,5,6.


Notes: 2 matches per mod. Max of 3 matches per player per round.


Midnight Vs Neko
Mod: Judofrac.tbm
Match 1

Nike 0 - 1 Morrigun
Nike 1 - 1 Morrigun

** credit to Gentleman
Last edited by Trice; Aug 8, 2018 at 06:47 AM.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you