Original Post
Hmm so we are going to attempt this.

The post

So as we all know, the last person (Deady as far as I know) running the organization went inactive and basically left it to anyone who wants to keep the legacy going.
I suppose I'll take the liberty of taking the first step and claim the org. Of course I need the help of the community since the most important part of an organization is the community and members itself, with the help of queen I have made a discord server, this doesn't mean we need to only be active on discord but a lot of the activity can of course go there since it's a more convenient.

I'm making a new roster, I'll be keeping everyone else that has joined before making this post.
If you posted in Over 18? Join OLDA! and I didn't add you to the roster, feel free to post in the new roster.
if you are in from a while back then and want to be in the new roster, please post in the new roster. Rules still apply, 18+ to join.

I know the org basically seems dead but that's makes sense since it's an adult based org and the majority have a more important life outside of toribash but with new players emerging every now and then I think this org can still keep coasting.

Thank you to anyone joining it wouldn't be a great org without any of you.
Remember to Have a great time.
Make sure to click my sig and join the discord if you want, guests are welcomed into the discord of course and make sure to read the discord rules to get a rank.
I don't exist