Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
Question: Why do you think you gravitated more towards realism/hacking than ukebash? I remember you making some great stuff in the past and I'm just curious as to why you went that route. Hacking definitely worked out for you though and you make the most conceptually creative replays out there, where really nuthug is about the only competition. (I think Isolations had a stint where he was making hacking epics too but that was shortlived)

Thanks Larfen excellent question

It boils down to 3 things:

1. My desire to stick out. The generation of replaymakers I grew up in was so fucking good I traditionally wouldn't have been able to top them and be truly special. Large and Swex comes to mind here, no way I could beat them at the time and even now Swex is still much better than me and mostly everyone else at movement.

2. I'm a very creative person and with a proficiency in replaymaking you can only do so much. You may be able to make as many cool spars as you could possibly imagine but you wouldn't be able to add a shooting gun to your replay. Having skills in modmaking/hacking/replaymaking is such a potent mix that going back to just using one component isn't at all appealing at all at this point. This is something that grew in me slowly over time as I played more and more of the game leading into the final point.

3. Normal replays got boring. I love this game with a fierce passion but even eating lobster for dinner every day gets boring eventually. I don't know if I have a shorter attentionspan than replaymakers who have been doing the same thing for so many more years than me or if it's because they don't know any better but regardless I get bored when there isn't anything new to do or to discover. When I started playing the game I was amazed at all the possible joint combinations and cool moves you could do. Then I got into sparring and fighting styles and cool tricks was interesting. Then I started modding and got interested in how you could utilize maps to do more cool tricks. Eventually I started messing around with hacking in like 2013 but mostly played the game traditionally or not at all. Then Binklawz introduced me to MAS and that captivated me for a few months. Now I've come back to hacking because there simply isn't much else for me to discover. Some people can spend years perfecting their sparring or DMs which is amazing but I'm just not cut that way. I'm a greedy cunt always wanting something more