Originally Posted by Ele View Post
One thing irking me is the inconsistency in staff decisions about this sort of thing.

Parrot was prevented from creating a newbie clan, and the big reason behind it was that it would be unfair to the other DSC clans because we'd be 'sucking life' from the other DSC clans.

They went on to talk about how we've got greater 'catchment' and 'resources', so it would be totally unfair for us to exist.

Cut forward 1 month... the HS, a group with even greater 'resources' and an even bigger 'catchment' (you can redirect people to it from Beginner Sanctuary, and they're the only coloured name clans on the forum, so they stand out on the official list (plus they've got a special icon)), has undercut the rest of the DSC clans in the same way Parakeet would've. The only difference is that this undercut is *staff supported*

Other DSC clans can't compete. When the members of Red and Blue progress enough to be 'nicely shown the door', it's only natural to assume that they're not gonna be looking to enter a clan that's a step down (a DSC clan), they're gonna look to join a popular official clan.

So not only does this feel like sort of a big 'lol, ur fucked' to other DSC clans, it's seemingly a 'get fucked' to us dudes that were launching Parakeet.
@Mods, move this to Off-Topic if you think this is more appropriate there.

i'm not really invested in this either way, but i figure i'll put out a few of my thoughts

parrot wasn't prevented from becoming a beginner clan, it was prevented from creating a subsidiary feeder clan. if parrot wanted to kick most of their members and start recruiting people out of beginner's sanctuary with the intent of teaching them the game, art, modding, etc, would anyone actually have had a problem?

the problem (or my problem) wasn't directly the greater "catchment" or "resources," but the fact that parakeet had neither on its own. it was parrot. parakeet would gain members by no accomplishment of its own, and just ride the reputation of the parent clan.

there is no such problem with an HS-backed beginner clan. the reputation that draws people in won't be some weird staff clan thing like you seem to be insinuating, it'll be the environment fostered by staff, whose job it will be to engage beginners in the community.

i guess we'll have to see with your last point, but i doubt that'll be the case. if every <blackbelt is joining one of these two clans, it won't be a cool thing to stay in much longer than that. people might meet buddies in the clans or around the community, start their own clans, and generally begin to engage with the clan community. i doubt many people would choose to stay long past 1000 games.

get fucked