Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Didn't want to offend anyone by saying that most of his community is under aged, don't get me wrong, a lot of teens are very mature for their age, but the majority isn't. There is a video with the reactions of the so called ''logang4life'' fans, who are like idk 8-12? Their response was just bad and that's why kids won't understand the problem.

That's actually true but it's not really their fault, most of the time it's because they love the YouTuber too much so they don't really care about the bad things he do,
A simple example :
Messi had a lot of problems, because he was sending money illegally that's actually a bad things but he didin't really lost his fans.
That's almost the same thing but it's true that sending money illegally is like "nothing" or less crazy than what Logan did, for us ofc, because if they had to get judged for it Logan would probably just get maybe a fine that he will have to pay and Messi will have bigger problems, but when you see someone laughing and filming someone who just killed himself I guess it shocked us more than someone who smuggled money. And it's true that they are young too so they can't realize what a YouTuber that they follow since a lot of time did.