Endurance Onslaught 6.0
So, I may have to say somethings about next turn:

First of all, I used 1 more frame in [vector] 560.rpl so Maximus can begin editing at frame 560 and the follow up will already be configured (seriously, I needed that 1 frame ). But, if this is too much, Maximus begin editing at 560 and press CTRL+Z.

So, as I thought that what I was planning to do wasn't very clear and maybe could become a problem to figure out what to do next (I'd be really lost at this point if it was with me), I resolved to give you some follow up ideas I had in mind that could guide you on what to do next, or even (if possible) you can edit from where you feel more comfortable with. Most of this examples are varieties of the same thing but the main idea was sort of a B-Twist or B-Kick (not sure if those are the right names xD) but I couldn't manage to do that without flying away from the platform so I kept this ones (which I don't even know how they're called).

example.rpl: That was the less well executed one but IMO the easier to follow up and more practical. My foot slipped and my body went all unregulated, but the trick itself looked ok and I managed to land right in the middle of the platform so this one is the safest.

example1.rpl: Nothing to say, same bullshit but even worse executed but there's a nice cork set up, I guess...

example2.rpl: Weeeeeell, I don't even know why I saved that but maybe it's also usable, I executed this bad but there's another cork set up.

example3.rpl: So far my favorite, I think the whole went pretty well I also can see a cork coming from this one.

ADDENDUM: There's no need to check every replay, of course you can do whatever you feel like, they are just a support if the main thing is too confusing. And sorry for breaking the rules a bit but I just couldn't dump the replay here without saying nothing and sorry for saying too much.
Attached Files
[vector] 560.rpl (263.7 KB, 2 views)
example.rpl (324.9 KB, 2 views)
example1.rpl (325.0 KB, 2 views)
example2.rpl (327.7 KB, 2 views)
example3.rpl (319.4 KB, 3 views)