3rd place Team Attack: On, FNugget
1st place Nabi Extreme Force, War_hero
3rd place Nabi Throwdown SP, War_hero
2nd place Tori Carnival: Spidey’s Juggling, Patrick_Unrated
1st place Nabi Weekly Mod #1, Smilies2 (1st and only weekly mod xD)
1st place Nabi Weekend Tournament x3 Event #2 Week 2, Tonakai
1st place Nabi Weekend Tournament x3 Event #2 Week 1, Tonakai
1st place Nabi Tourney week 38: Wushu Wonder, Shogan
1st place 2nd Clan League
1st place Verak Daily PT Tourney, Verak
1st place Drakhir Daily PT Tourney, Drakhir
1st place CMon Daily PT Tourney, CMon

These are the only ones I can prove, though I swear I've won more. Probably though, I'm just delusional.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games