Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
General Relativity
First off, i just want to say this is a somewhat continuation of what i said on Bodhisattva's thread

We see everything as popularity, as power, as greater or less. But is it really? We look at things like government as more powerful, but in a whole, is it? What i'm getting at here is everything is in a general relativity to one single big conclusion, perspective. We do not have to follow rules, even if there is consequences, we still have choice, yet we still follow them. I do believe in one solid form of life and that is relativity. That everything comes down to one or two final conclusions. What i'm getting at is, everything we know and love, is all relative to our individual perspectives, but on a whole level, everything, our opinions, emotions, love, so called power and everything else, is only a spec of dust. That one day we could all die, and none of it matter what so ever. That we follow other human's words and so called directions off of instinct that if we don't something bad will happen, we don't know if it would honestly, you may think "well it would cause anarchy and chaos" but would it? if there was no rules, no laws, from the start of time and to this date, there would never be chaos, yes, fights and things would still happen, but without government, money would of never caused greed, without greed, there wouldn't be war. Greed is what's known as a symbol of evil, and by that i mean, it causes destruction both physically and emotionally, as you either want what other people want, so you take it, or you sit there emotionally hiding it causing your heart to go black. In a whole, as a human race, we are nothing but a dot, a spec of dust in a ever growing universe. No matter the amount of power, the amount of popularity, the amount of intelligence, or anything, does it matter when we all come down to the fact we are still, very much just humans? That we prioritize objects, money, greed, and other things over our own race at the end? Or is it all for nothing? That when we die everything is lost, all memory, all love and hard work, just gone? This is not a religious topic, this is not all focused towards athiesim vs christianity or any of the sorts. This is what if the only reason there is war, there is fights in the world, and everything else other than well, stuff like illness, is caused by simply just relativity of perspective? That it all comes to the final conclusion that life, love, and everything else we have ever known and will know, is just in general, relative to how we see it? That beauty, and everything is just relative, that everything in our ever growing universe and 3rd dimensional view of our world and life, is just relative to how we see things? This is what's known as the Relativity Proposition, that states that everything we know about, and will know is in general just relative to everything else, that everything is just, everything? By that meaning, in a whole, you, and everything else, is what it is.

TLDR: everything is equal depending on your view.