Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post
Well I went to a professional place of course: the tubes and needles came out of a brand new pack. They start by doin some test out feels for you so you know the pain threshold. I myself didn't feel it tbh, but I don't watch it and it kinda made me feel nausea watching the skin slightly leave a slicing trai as he dragged it. He used a fan needle of 5 some tattoos use 50. But when he started using the fan one it was a lot less painful cause it was spread out, and felt almost like a slight scratch along the top of your skin. The needle goes in less than a pen tip would. And is thinner than a safety pin.
Trust me the pain later hurts more and that pain is comparable to a bad sunburn being touched all the time. So it's bareble. I got shading and filled. It looks like sharpie right now cause it needs to fill in. today it looks darker and has filled in slightly more. Looking a lot less like a sharpe but it's starting to scab. It has black scaley look around the fist and outer ring atm. Soon it should look more like a circle too.

Colour only made a difference for me because he did the black first and the middle puffed up bad and was sensitive as Fock se he started the red with the single needle again, which hurts a lot more. And fuuuuck you had to kinda bite your cheek a little. The spot I got it in was an easy area so thank god. I think he might have hit a vain on the way through tho. Cause I started to persperate blood around the tattoo.

Sooooo long sorry

Yeah, I didn't really feel mine 'till close to the end, and even then it was mild pain. That might be because of how many IV needles that I have gotten in my lifetime.
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