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Is there an official name for this medical problem
So basically, it is incredible rare that it will occur, however once in like a thousand times, someone will say something to me e.g. they would indicate that there is a problem, yet they then wouldn't tell me what the problem is.

It starts pretty chill like I'm not too bothered it's just like really irritating, but then like as time goes on, it gets worse and worse until it's like a full on attack, shaking hyperventilating and everything.

It's an incredibly odd occurrence and I have only ever really had it twice in my lifetime.

(On a side note, I do not suffer from OCD, anxiety or other related mental health problems, as it is a fairly recent thing, and is other the most random things.

Does anyone know if there is an official medical name for this problem, as I would really like to read up further on it and cannot seem to locate it myself.