Originally Posted by Lamby View Post
As we all can see and probably all know that WAPOW has been through a lot lately but there is no need to worry all is good, on an other note I would like to see a bit more activity from our members on the forums at least. It would also help if some of you guys' would talk a bit more on the discord as well, so people fell more welcome and like they are more part of the clan. I am saying this because there has been a lot less activity lately, I know we all have lives and are busy with education and work, but it would be nicer if more people would pop in and say hello and a few things.
Also I you guys have any ideas to help the clan out or for any events don't be afraid to post them here or pm us.

(And yes my punctuation is bad.)

I agree lamby. We would atleast like to hear from you guys. Also If there's anything we can do to make it more enjoyable, We or even I will try my best to get done.
Don't give up, Things will be back good again soon.
Posting even about daily things or stories help keep active of course
The ultimate goal is to get everyone talking on the forums everyday. And be active in discord. This is a lot to ask.
We will work towards an in game clan event soon.
And I'm going to start warring once a week, with people or with out. So join me.
Let's beat FC in ranks (I know doesn't matter but, when the name is at the top people wonder who they are) and let's work towards CL 2017, let's work together to get back on top.
Let's not let the activity drop
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White