Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post
Hello Parrots!
I'm a 15 year old (just had birthday today) shithead called Pear Gruszex, and I thought, "there are some cool people there dick sucking intensifies so why not to apply?"
So... I've been messing around toribash since 2012 (actually 2011 but I started using forum in 2012), at first my movement looked like squirming after breaking penis after some time I learned how not to suck that much and started some replaymaking (but didn't share replays and I still do not).
After like half a year of playing I quit toribash, then 2 years later I saw it on steam and I was like "KGO BOIS LET'S COME BACK"
Aaand then I joined MAU. After almost two years of service, I quit cause I didn't feel like being there anymore. From some time I'm Event Squat member. YES YOU'VE READ CORRECTLY EVENT SQUAT Well actually I became ES in first batch of recruitment drive but it has been decided that I should be removed. Anyhue, this is my long and professional app, waiting for decision :3
I may post a dancing vid later lmao (yes for real, just gotta get better quality camera unless you want a vid recorded with a potato and make your eyes bleed)

Picture of a parrot

Admire this magnificent app

I'm reapplying, wooo
Soo... I'll just post my old app there but with a twist!

Watch dis :
(that pic tho)

and another thing (not by me this time)

Mk, let's see how it goes

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16