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Yeah I have a little problem
So ever since 6th grade, I have struggled with weight, depression, anxiety and tons of other bullshit. I took a lot of medicine to help the problems but most of the medicine indused weight gain. The heaviest I have ever been was 245 pounds, I completely stopped my medicine and i got all kinds of fucked up. I started taking adderall, its prescribed to me, 25 milligram XR adderall for my ADD. I took them for a bit but then got tolerant to it so I take two of them daily cuz im addicted to amphetamines now. I lost quite a bit of weight in a very short amount of time cuz I stopped eating, drank tons of water and took adderall. Im currently 209 pounds and I was 245 pounds about 2-3 months ago. I am still losing weight, yet every time I look in the mirror i see my 245 pound self and get all fucked up in the head and resort to drugs. I took 4 milligrams of xanax yesterday and just took a 325 milligram hydrocodone cuz I am so fucked right now and I have a serious problem with drugs right now. I have no fucking idea what to do to get help. If there are any addicts that have been in a similar situation please tell me some advice cuz on the path im on right now I'll end up overdosing or some shit and I don't want my death cause to be an overdose.
you're on thin ice, pal