So my guild pretty much disbanded a couple of weeks ago after killing Heroic Nythendra. Main tanks computer died, GM/Raid Leader and off-tank went inactive, DPS started leaving due to lack of progression, and pretty much fell apart.

One DPS from my guild told me to join some other guild with him struggling on Normal progression to help them out. Joined them, raid night came, and we proceeded to one-shot every boss (except Ilgynoth due to poor execution. Took 2 tries) up to Cenarius, where they called it a night (they were 4/7, so this was a big deal for them). They execute mechanics fine, though some of their DPS need some work (some were ~120k, one was pulling less than 100k, while my old guildie and I were pulling around 210k-220k) So my progression is kind of fucked now, unless I start pugging.
Last edited by Rfifan; Oct 21, 2016 at 08:16 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020