Original Post
A tb story (kind of)
I've be doing a fan fiction for a different site and so I feel as if I should show you guys. Hey you might even see yourself in it. As for now it's chapter one and all it's parts but part 4. The I write it is a bit werid but hey it's not like I care. Rght now I'm almost done with chapter 4 on the other site.

Chapter One, Part One

As the days grew shorter, Jab, had to leave his lovely lake front him because the lake was starting to freeze over. "Jab! Jab!" A bird flew down from the sky and it has headed right for Jab. "What do you want Buya? You know it's time for me to go to my winter home." Jab told the golden eagle as he walked down a road leading to another place in the forest. "A fight... a grand fight..." Buya was out of breath and was having a hard time talking but he got it out. "You know I don't want to fight... what's the prize and how will it work?" Jab restarted back down the road and Buya began to fly next to him "Well every one will be there. All skill levels in a judo brawl. You have to start in a group of four and if one person loses from the group then the group is out. There are for prizes starting at 1 million to one fourth of that.... Ummm..." Buya had this look on his face that said I need to ask you something but I don't know how. "What is it?" Jab asked. "Well the groups can't be made out of clam members that are in the same clan so I wanted to know if you..." Buya hit a tree as he was talking. "You ok? That looked like it hurt." "No, I'm fine. I think I'll live." Buya said while rubbing his noes and started off again with Jab right in front of him. “Ok where was I? Oh right I'd like the enter the fight but... umm...” “You want me to help you out right?” Buya nods his head and the two stop. Jab grows a sly look on his face and it seemed like he had an idea cooking up. “Get Gamer and Andrew, we will do this thing.” Buya had a happy face on him while he said he had already told Andrew to get Gamer. “So what I'm last? What am I, nothing?” Jab was starting to get mad but stopped when he heard a noise come from the bushes and a low voice that sounded like it said move out.

Chapter One Part Two

Gamer was deep within the forest when he saw, what he thought to be a weak fighter. He dropped down from his tree home and tried a blind side attack on what ever it was, but he failed. The fighter had turned around and kicked him then got in a judo stance. “Oops sorry Lazer. I thought you were someone else.” His fail attack was aimed at Lazer, a salamander that was new to the forest. “Hey no sweat, I thought I heard you coming.” Lazer started his sly smile and Gamer had a pissed off look cause he was way better then most in the forest and this cocky punk just owned him. “Well, Gamer, it's lucky I found you. You have heard of the Grand Fight right?” “Yeah but after I heard that you can't team up with clan mates I didn't want in.” Lazer gave a sigh and looked back a Gamer right in the eyes. “What about the four of us team up? You, Buya, Jab, and I?” Gamer thought of a minute then look out passed Lazer. “Umm... Andrew we got to deal with them.” Lazer look around and saw a pack of wolfs ready to eat them alive. “But yeah I'm in... Think you can take seven wolfs with alittle help?”

Chapter One Part Three

Buya flew around the great tree. His scarf waved in the wind as he began his landing. “Did you hear? The Grand Fight will be starting in five days time. Sigh up now before it's too late. The Grand prize is one million credits. Just look in that area of the Great Tree for more information.” A small hedgehog was speaking to everyone and Buya walks into the Great Tree and heads where he pointed. “Buya, it's been some time.” A salamander walked up to him. “Oh hi Lazer. You joining this?” Lazer nodded but looked sad. “You need a group of four to enter.” “So get some people from your clan, Andrew.” Lazer sighed and then started again. “One you can't have people from your own clan join and two I left clan Scream remember? I had go for a month or so. I don't want to go back and make it look like I was never gone.” The two of them tried to think of what to do. At the same time they both said the same thing. “Jab and Gamer!” “If you get Gamer I'll go ask Jab deal? You know where he is right?” Buya asked. “Yeah.. he's in the eVo training area right?” Buya nodded and ran out of the tree hitting a bear on his way, but he kept running as fast as he could. As soon as he was out he took flight, even though it was cold out, and headed for the lake. The last thing he could see was a pack of wolves headed into eVo's part of the forest. “Hm must be part of Hunters...” (This happenes before parts one and two)
Last edited by kjhg53; Mar 30, 2009 at 09:28 AM.
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