Originally Posted by Moataz View Post
its not about getting disappointed when I get the game because I know its going to be good(not deluding myself)

And how do you know this? You have basically admitted that everything they are showing now is bad, but you have faith they are just hiding all the good bits. This is what it means to delude yourself, there is no reason to believe what you believe.

Originally Posted by Moataz View Post
like lets make a comparison between a space game made by HG and a space game made by ubisoft/rockstar/EA etc..
Any Big company space game:
limited space(1 solar system)
better graphics
more employees
making the game in a year since they have lots of employees
finishing it and contains glitches and stuff.
they don't respect the game enough and its going to be shot down by critics.

HG space game:
smaller size(in gb's)
cartoon graphics
endless universe(not limited)
more variety of things like animals
making it with passion and with a small team that work hard to turn out great.
lil bit of glitches but not too many like(assassins creed)
critics saying the game is good
you know why? because they have been working on it for a long time, they have been trying to perfect it for so long(Not like ubisoft who makes a game each year and turns out to be bad. lets add an exception for ubisoft because watchdogs2) even though they had a small team, they still did it and perfected it. and obviously people are going to love it. so you should reconsider stuff about the game because It might turn out great(not because I am deluding myself).

What kind of logic is this?

Everything you say is nonsense. Ubisoft for example has made a game with 4 billion planets and 500k stars. And by the way NMS is finite, not endless...

Bigger companies, especially experienced companies (remember HG has made exactly 2 games, neither of which are noteworthy), have MUCh better procedures and processes, the games they make are far less buggy than small devs.

Ubisoft are very passionate about their games, you should read some dev journals...

What kind of pointless argument are you trying to start? This has nothing to do with whether or not NMS will turn out to be good.