Hello guys, you probably do not remember me. I remember you guys though. It has been awhile since I have talked to you. Just in case I will still give you the full introduction of myself for anyone who doesn’t know me. I am Skyler detering, I live in ohio and I go to <Removed by Day> school. I sing in chorus and I run in track and cross country. I get good grades and I love science. I have had toribash for over 2 years now, I have put nearly 500 hours into the game. It is one of my all time favorite games. I was a part of your clan almost a year ago. I am pretty sure it was less than year. I am currently 15 almost 16 years old. I also take pride in my german heritage. This is a simple introduction of myself, if you have questions regarding this or anything you don’t know about me I am happy to answer them.
I got off toribash awhile ago because I didn’t have a computer which could run the game. I took me a few months to get a good computer set up. When I finally downloaded steam again I noticed I wasn’t apart of the clan. I figured this would happen. I really wasn’t thinking. I honestly should have kept you guys updated in the clan forum. I was just so busy with school I didn’t think about video games. Now that I have a good computer setup I have been playing toribash again. After playing for awhile I really missed the nitro crew. I was hoping to be apart of the clan again. If you do not want to invite me yet that is understandable. It would be great to play alongside you guys again though.
I am a 2nd dan, I play a lot of different game modes. I love doing parkour and tricks in single player too. My parkour and trick skills are pretty rusty though. So I need a bit of practice before I do any sparring matches. I can still kick ass in matches though, those skills have not rusted. It says that you guys aren’t recruiting anymore, that is understandable. As long as I just get to play with the crew. I don’t have to be in the clan, I would just like to fight against you guys again.
Day is better than Zack at Toribash.
Sorry I wrote this in google docs, the text was really small so I just wanted to make it a little larger. Hope you don't mind me re posting.

Hello guys, you probably do not remember me. I remember you guys though. It has been awhile since I have talked to you. Just in case I will still give you the full introduction of myself for anyone who doesn’t know me. I am Skyler detering, I live in ohio and I go to <Removed by Day> school. I sing in chorus and I run in track and cross country. I get good grades and I love science. I have had toribash for over 2 years now, I have put nearly 500 hours into the game. It is one of my all time favorite games. I was a part of your clan almost a year ago. I am pretty sure it was less than year. I am currently 15 almost 16 years old. I also take pride in my german heritage. This is a simple introduction of myself, if you have questions regarding this or anything you don’t know about me I am happy to answer them.

I got off toribash awhile ago because I didn’t have a computer which could run the game. I took me a few months to get a good computer set up. When I finally downloaded steam again I noticed I wasn’t apart of the clan. I figured this would happen. I really wasn’t thinking. I honestly should have kept you guys updated in the clan forum. I was just so busy with school I didn’t think about video games. Now that I have a good computer setup I have been playing toribash again. After playing for awhile I really missed the nitro crew. I was hoping to be apart of the clan again. If you do not want to invite me yet that is understandable. It would be great to play alongside you guys again though.

I am a 2nd dan, I play a lot of different game modes. I love doing parkour and tricks in single player too. My parkour and trick skills are pretty rusty though. So I need a bit of practice before I do any sparring matches. I can still kick ass in matches though, those skills have not rusted. It says that you guys aren’t recruiting anymore, that is understandable. As long as I just get to play with the crew. I don’t have to be in the clan, I would just like to fight against you guys again.
"Day is better than Zack at Toribash."
Wow the text literally got smaller. Oh well it's large enough to be read.
Last edited by Day; Jun 20, 2016 at 01:31 AM.