One beautiful day, naked people everywhere, masturbating monkeys as good looking as ultra big blazing's dick with Doritos and mountain dew doing 360 noscopes were posting cancerous memes across the bed, while tripping, DiuwayBuns found weed and smoked non-stop and he died. And so did Lust for inhaling Sc1ence's small dong. Dang, this shit's terrible as fuck. He tried to kiss Onsola's small child but policemen kissed it first. Onsola got stressed 'cause Sc1ence01 is a huge derp. So Bgjames1 walked and started to lick Lust's pussy. Science's testicle cancer is Lust's cancer. That's why he sucked Juan's big juicy banana-like nose. Juan said that it felt pretty much like a hairy Scandinavian lump. Then suddenly, Coine started to rub his smooth coin. It was so when Diuway kissed Science on his anus and get no-scoped by Lust. Then BumbleBurke's sword turn into a Burke x AlphaN00b fanfiction about my right knee, then left knee got raped by a mysterious knee. Deez nuts are nuts, everyone is gay. Makin' some rhymes, with a dime deez nuts. Gadiii

new one pls