Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
whats the difference my app includes all the outlines u mentioned. (The difference is how you wrote your application.)

its been 6 days for this app so pls i kinda ran out of patient, making another one would be fatul for me so pls let it slide.. (No exception.)

u guys need active members. (McNuggets answered this well. This clan isn't like most clans, we've died, risen and most of these guys been through it all. When we brought in new members the hype was good and positive. When they noticed how relaxed our activity was they ended up leaving. Having patience and loyalty shows good qualities which triumphs over activity any day.)

You have failed to meet our requirements and we will not move further in your clan application review.

Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
We'd like quality members not a handful of them, if you're not willing to make another app for us then it shows you aren't loyal.
