Originally Posted by pusga View Post
if you're going to have something in a replay it should either be good or not even there at all. a skeet that happens at an inopportune time in the replay will not be a good skeet regardless of how much time you spend on it. half the fight of replaymaking is realising when is the right time to do a hit or a skeet or whatever, forcing things that don't come naturally is a bad idea.

Yeah, i clearly understand this. I was even re-thinking a while whether to put the second replay in or not(or edit it a little bit). I made that second replay almost right after i got denied last time. I mean the first replay's decap skeet was okay right? It did seem to fit in that imo.

Originally Posted by pusga View Post
this is actually impossible

It was sarcasm, you know?

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
this isn't 2011, this excuse doesn't work anymore

Never said it was excuse, right? ;) even thou it was a little bit stupid thing to say.
Last edited by hunter; Apr 12, 2016 at 10:42 PM.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"