Heyo im krisis13 and I would like to join and I could teach you some stuffs if ya want :>
(I teached my kunt Rogue how to make textures :>)

Some of my drawings: Potato drawings
Some of my textures: One, Two, Three, There's, a lot of things that i have made

I have been making art aka drawing for all of my life and i have been making textures for almost 2 years (Im 16 btw :>).

I'm a texture artist and now I make banners and such for the E Squad (drawing stuffz on paper too).

I use ps 6 for texture making and banners, headers. Indesign and Adobe Ilustrator I use for some other stuffz.

A little story huh? Oke.. Once upon a time there lived a little Moopy. He was a happy child until a BIG dragon came and ate him. The end.