Originally Posted by Shiro View Post
hey arctic ily

you should post around here more often

ily2, but your prefixes suck
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
But if it isn't the Ne App legend. Good to see you here. And yeah, what shiro said. Come by here more often.

lol, hey hi.
I added a subscription to your board, so I might post around from time to time.

Nice Napstablook sigpic, he's the best.
Originally Posted by Greed View Post
What Mack said. °`_´°. Hi Null

I know you from somewhere, right? I just can't remember... were you in Ne, too?
Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Thanks man . I've seen you hovering around the TA board, when I used to. I'm not sure what posts you are referring to, but I'm still heart warmed that you thought of me <3

Yeah, I kinda stopped checking the TA board as well.

Those were just regular posts, you were just being helpful etc. :]
Originally Posted by Static View Post
Yo wasup panda. Also hey Arctic
