Well actually cristmas celebration was started by coca-cola taking advantage of those who believed in Jesus... you should know that Saint Clous was made up by coca-cola as a marketing strategy so yeah. The real cristmas is going to curch every sunday till the 24 and yeah praying and stuff.

Seba dont make up quotes of me e.e

Also that steam thing is bullshit, when u get 20 views it says there is no more stock of steam wallets so yeah dont waste time on that. Funny what ppl would do to get some free money huh?

Other thing, the 501st in Zed's name has something to do with star wars :P those of you wholike star wars should know

I dont know much about scrips and programing however I find it funny to see how ppl try to hack my steam with links I usually download them, check them and delete them . You may say that I am crazy but i have like 7 anti-virus in my browser so yeah not much to worry about.

Happy cristmas guys! (just for today I will alow you to just post mery cristmas/happy cristmas)