Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Maru your posts should be better.

guys dont have stupid fights. It is well known that most ppl dont check previous pages and that they wont even if u ask them to. If you have a few replys to yuour topic its fine, not everyone will like that topic.
As long as you do good posts it doesnt really matter, try talkin in topic tho or introduce new ones.

Well thats a pitty xioi, but I guess after 3 years almost 4 of this game you are getting tired of it. idk for some time I thought I should quit it as well but then I realised I like playing it and I have a nice clan running. Maybe with some time off toribash you would be back with enthusiasm to keep playing, who knows.

favorite childhood memory? I guess when I bought my ps 2 and played Star Wars battlefront 2, It was my communion so I was gifted some money and I went with a couple of friend and my cousin to buy it. I was so happy I had always wanted one.
An other would be when I played Shadow of The Colossus, at first I didnt unsertand much but then my cousing showed me how to climb and from then on it has been one of my favourite games and I have pplayed throw it lots of time

Nice Onsola. I see you play more MMO's. I found this MMO btw i don't know what it is but.... I found this cool MMO game i think. It's from my home country South Korea and it's pretty much like CS:GO but in korea. I was looking at random japanese/korean commericials and come across it xD Xioi I know tb can be pretty boring and you've been playing for a long time but they're making a new update soon and just stay for a little longer because your one of our best MAU players. It would be a shame if we lost you like we lost vic but I won't hold you back.

Anyway my favorite childhood memory i mean...I am a child still but i guess when I got my first Call Of Duty. I was like 8 or 9 and I loved halo a lot but my sister came home one day with this game called MW2 I was instantly hooked I loved the campaign then a few years later Destiny came out. I didn't like it that much but i got Xbox Live Gold so ya it's pretty fun.

Also Onsola no we weren't starting a fight and ya I wish people would read other posts behind this but it's whatever...
Last edited by Jade; Dec 19, 2015 at 06:55 PM.