Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
Yeah man, your old name was
Good thing that got changed to

Stop using emoticons inferior being

Except you cannot make jokes that are remotely funny how can you be so bad at joke making
And also, whenever I chat with you on steam all you say is "YOU STILL IN THE FUCKING TREE HOW DO YOU EAT, YOU EAT BIRDS"
Lol. Given that it is somewhat funny, it's annoying when you just type some weird shit on there.

Lol yeah I think people with numbers in their name should've just chosen another name because numbers in usernames suck

And, when I used to play minecraft, people with numbers used to be the biggest asshole or annoying kid.
Used to play minecraft, I don't play that game with the shitty community anymore.

I see some hard backseat modding.
Also, don't change your name, waste of tc unless you had a name like
In that case you should just change it to
Haha alright I'll stop

Dude you shitpost soo much. I though you would make at least medium quality posts. Way below my expectations.

First of all:
The Name change is waste of tc 100k isn't like 100 tc, It's just a waste you can get new account, The belt isn't important, you can transfer everything you want (Except shiais).
How he had xXPussyDestroyerXx? I'm the one who's owning that account.
Also Just to say hah, those sexual names like : Nigga/Cunt/Pussy/Dick/PussyDestroyer etc. are bannable, I tried to make cunt before, It wasn't taken but a Gm told me that I will get banned so no need to.
If you want to be official that doesn't mean to be so serious,But at least tell funny jokes like : *Knock* *Knock* You: Who's there? Me: Your Mom AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA lololoololololololololololololololololol ehm.
Also why we shouldn't use emotes if it was bad, hampa wouldn't have made a list of it. And except of keeping say rules again and again, I would suggest make a list of The thread at the first post, so people know what's punishable.
And what's wrong with numbers? Without numbers we're nothing, We use numbers everyday, almost in everything. If someone have numbers in his name doesn't mean he's annoying, if he have numbers in his name means he liked a name but it was taken.

Also why you keep using Bold ?
Yeah guys, I've been checking the recruitment centre, I think guys if we want to be official, We need to be firmer with apps..
Like the last application got neutrals, when it compared to some other applications *Like mine* it's nothing. We need to be firmer to not get any type of noobs/Kids/Clan hoppers that destroy our chance.
P.s- I wasn't insulting anyone saying kid or noob or clan hopper, I'm just trying to tell you guys to be firmer with apps.
I've been in lotus, We had problems with clan hoppers and kids in the clan and almost destroyed the clan, so please choose wisely and don't give goods because any one is your friend or you think he's nice.... thanks.
Last edited by Wetch; Dec 15, 2015 at 10:11 PM.