Eh I saw that before. But you see, apart from the fact that:
a) nobody cares to read it, so why bother
b) they didn't care to read it when it was nice and colourful so fuck them now (a personal revenge against recruits)
c) I really would like people who know us to get in. They would know what to do, so this post is actually of marginal importance, just to brush off noobz, and people who don't respect even those more common rules of posting a clan application
d) if you want to make it better - make it better, and pm me how this thread should look like, don't just give me errands. I've got things to do >.> elsewhere, besides I don't really enjoy having a thing pointed out and said "do it". I'm really not comfortable with listening to others ;].
e) don't you think that such way of posting an application stinks too much of a bureaucracy? I mean it stinks filling-in rubrics in some kind of formal document. Belt? I can check out players statistics, besides it doesn't mean much. Join date, i can see that too. Why we would want you in ra? this question is remade to "Impress us" proposition. This way he will include his belt if it's high, join date if it was long ago, all his videos, music and other work, also replays. Now apart from this particular place, this guy will need - if he gets in - to post on this forum without any kind of recipes like that. Having him writing a post by himself tests his ways to do that. Can he speak nice? How does he think of his high belt? What artwork does he particularly like from his works? Can he make interesting posts, or will they be boring as fuck? all those questions can be answered without a box like this (and I know it's kinda standard clan idea for recrutation threads, and it's kinda nice, but letting people speak freely has it's advantages too, imo), just by looking a player speaks his casual way.
He should concentrate on things more important to us, and those can be things that we haven't even thought of yet.
Now coming to think about this, using this template too much applications would look too much alike. And I like variety in mah house. ;) Don't you?
I mean, that's a good idea, and I'm glad you had a suggestion, but I've another one, and dude, if you can - do it yourself then propose it too me. Preferably - quietly, privately. There were not much need to post that "correction" of the new post and try to embarass me (unwillingly I hope ;)) in front of new recruits ;P. I'm jk, but really, look up and tell me if anything of that makes sense to you, schecz? ;3
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"