TLL Application
Hi TLL buddies. BasicLunch here, I'd like to apply.

My real name is Eliezer, I am currently fifteen years old and I live in Venezuela. Yeah, I speak Spanish.
As you can see, I can speak English pretty decently but my pronunciation sucks.
I like to play videogames, hang out with my friends and drive my bycicle. My taste on music is fucked up. I also like to play Yu-Gi-Oh sometimes (i am not a nerd!!!!!!!!!2).

The reason of why I want to join TLL is because I feel really comfortable with it. I got to know most of you and it's a pretty chill clan. I know you're not so active but I don't have any problem with it.
I've been playing in-game with most of you and I usually lose my shit laughing.
I also have HexChat installed so I try to connect on #tll everyday.
I know Fear, Mj a.k.a Triston, RBB a.k.a jesus, PV2 and Templar.

I've been on like four clans:

Phoenix Rising: i don't even know why i joined lol shitty clan

DrunkenMasters or whatever lol: i thought the leader was pretty cool he wasn't but the clan started to get a lot of random members and i left

Spectators a.k.a worst clan: I had a lot of friends here so I decided to join. Time passed, it didn't feel the same and I left. I still have connection with them though.

catmeow: cool clan, probably my best decision on my toribash career
i left because haze didn't put my cat drawing on the thread wtf

I got two infractions last month, useless post. I'm not doing that shit again.

I'm also pretty active in-game, I like to play Aikido mods and racingcars.tbm.
I had a ton of replays of beating fear on ABD but my little brother deleted them so I can't show them hahahaa

Well, I think that's all. Thanks for considering my application, see you later.
Last edited by basic; Nov 15, 2015 at 05:06 AM. Reason: aaa